The big day has finally arrived, SNEAK PEEKS!! Karen Burniston has announced a new release of some fun dies for September 2023 that includes an Oven Pop-up and some Extras that go with it. Since Barbie is "hot" right now I thought it would be fun to add her to this card. I found some great free Barbie clipart online so used it here. The two new die sets include the things you see here plus much more.
If you have any little girls in your life, this is perfect for you. The oven door actually opens and the die set comes with some food items that you can place inside.
You can see a glimpse of the new dies here. You can begin to order next week. Be sure to come back next Monday when the team will be having a Blog Hop and there will be prizes for you to win simply by leaving a comment. You can begin your hop right here on my blog, I will supply you with links to all the other blogs in the hop.

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