Tuesday, November 7, 2023

What's Cooking?

 Today is Designer Challenge Day for the Karen Burniston Design Team and our challenge theme for today is "What's Cooking?".  I decided to use some paper that has been is my stash for a long time.  I always thought it was cute and now I finally have a chance to use it in combination with the Oven Pop up and the Oven Extras.

I kept my kitchen simple, glueing the oven door closed but you could have it open if you wanted.

Be sure to stop by the Karen Burniston Pop Up Peeps on FB to see all the creations from the team and tomorrow Karen will have a new video for you so don't forget to catch that on YouTube.

See you next time,



  1. I always enjoy humor in a card

  2. I Love your sense of humor and your card. I know I would rather cook sweets instead of savory

  3. Love the card and love baking sweets!

  4. What a fun retro look! Reminds me of some colors growing up! So fun. I love cooking both sweet and savory. Hard to choose.


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