Sunday, August 29, 2021

Tiny Haunted House


Hello friends,  I know it seems way too early for Halloween but it seems that some of the Karen Burniston Pop Up Peeps have found this card on the web and want to know how to make it so I'm posting it today.  It is quite the compliment to have so many questions on a card that has not been posted yet - thanks peeps.

This card was constructed with a double floating floor that was installed the same way I did the floating floor in the video below.  It takes a small amount of altering but is not difficult.  The moon and fence are the same installation as shown in the video.

Assemble the Tiny House just as you would any other time.  If you need a refresher I have provided Karen's assembly video below.

Once you have the floor in the card you will add the Tiny Haunted House in the center crease (shown with the arrow above) just the same as when there is no floor.  

I like a lot of details on my cards so for this one I used the roof, inked and then cut, for a path by the door.  

I kept the front simple using many if the elements from the inside repeated.

Happy Haunting,


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Sandy - it is my HOPE to do this card much like you did- like the ROOF idea for the walk as well - it is a lovely card-- thanks for catering to us - you are a super duper crafter with fabulous ideas - and videos - have a blessed day ~ Gail Jean


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