Monday, June 24, 2024

New Release Day Is Here!!!

 Hello friends, 

It has been so difficult to keep these new dies a secret, they are so wonderful.  For music fans this will be a great day as Karen Burniston has released a great new collection to celebrate music.  I admit, I know nothing about music except for the fact that I like to listen to it.  You can see all the dies in this release below but for now here is my card for the sneak peek. I am excited to say that we now have stamps to go with the dies to make a perfect card.

Be sure to turn on the speaker for a fun song that goes with this card.

This card is special for me, I gave it to my sweet hubby for our 60th anniversary earlier this month.

Here are the dies in the new release -- Enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by, be sure to turn in next week for a blog hop with some great prizes.

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