Monday, April 11, 2011

Boxy Challenge

A few weeks ago my friend Shirley came over to craft - she brought with her a wooden box that was packaging from a household item she recently purchased.  She gave me the box and said - "I thought you might want to make something out of this".  After it sat around my studio for awhile I decided that I would indeed make something out of it.  I dug around in the old trunk of family treasures and came up with enough stuff to make a memory box of my husbands childhood.  Thanks to his Mother I have a good collection of cherished items.  Sorry to say I didn't think to take a "before" picture of the box but I am happy with the "after".  Hope you enjoy it too.  Would love for you to leave a comment.

The box was not quite square, made of pine. I painted the entire thing with green craft paint.  Then I layered all the goodies from back to front -copper piece that Mac made in Jr. High, an award, his Bible, a picture of him in Jr. High, a cut out from his Cub Scout "Blue & Gold Dinner" (made by him), one bronzed shoe, marbles (that belonged to to him as a child).  The 4 boxes in the corners were left over from a "Configuration Box".  Upper right corner a picture of Mac as a child and a toy truck, below that a game he played with to learn all the presidents names.  In the lower left corner are some old TV tubes (he use to help his Dad with his TV repair business).  Above the tubes is a picture of him sledding and on the very top - View Master Slides. After all items were secured in place I covered the front with a piece of plastic cut to size and held on with 5 small nails on each side. To complete the box I used the Tim Holtz corners on the top, the Tim Holtz legs as a stand and then topped it off with the baby spoon for a handle.

For the sides and back I copied photos & one old report card on white cardstock and tore the edges.  I placed them on the box at random mixed with some Tim Holtz Paper.  When all glue was dry I used the ink blending tool to color all the raw edges.


  1. I really like your blog and love your creativity. You ave inspired me. Thanks!


  2. You are sooooo creative, what a wonderful box. You packed such a wide range of momentoes, what an awesome collage. I'm sure your husband will treasure this forever.


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